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Instacom and EMS collaborate with eDeaf to provide life-saving training to South Africa's Deaf community

 Shephard Dube   2023-02-24  Comments Instacom Cares, Press Release
Edeaf Group Photo

Johannesburg, South Africa - Instacom, a leading provider of innovative communication and security solutions, has partnered with Emergency Management Services (EMS) and eDeaf, South Africa’s largest training provider of skills development for the Deaf, to provide the CERT Program (community emergency response training) to Deaf learners.


Deaf persons are part of a linguistic minority group, and in emergency situations, they face unique challenges as they cannot make a phone call to ask for help and may be misunderstood when asking or gesturing for help. There are not enough people who are able to communicate in Sign Language that would be able to adequately assist a Deaf person in an emergency.


To address this critical need, Instacom facilitated training in conjunction with the PIER Division of EMS to the eDeaf learners over a period of two days through professional sign language interpreters. The training was visual and practical, creating a perfect learning environment for a Deaf person. The program was conducted through role-play scenarios, which can be an effective way to help persons who are Deaf because it provides practical and interactive learning that allows them to practise and develop communication and social skills in a safe and controlled environment.


By participating in role-play scenarios, the Deaf learners could learn to express themselves more clearly, interpret nonverbal cues, and interact more effectively with hearing individuals. By practising real-life scenarios, Deaf persons are able to think on their feet in a safe place, building their confidence to navigate an emergency.


Robert Mulaudzi, spokesperson for Emergency Management Services, commented, "This collaboration between Instacom, EMS, and eDeaf is an excellent example of how public and private entities can work together to empower and equip our communities with the necessary skills to deal with emergencies in their respective areas as and when they occur."


This partnership is part of Instacom's ongoing commitment in developing innovative solutions that enhance safety and security, particularly for vulnerable communities. The company implemented its Access Control Solution at eDeaf's entrance and its Time & Attendance Solution at eDeaf's reception and in their classrooms to ensure accountability of all learners in case of an Emergency Situation.


40 Deaf students qualified for this program, making them the first group in the Deaf community in South Africa to receive this life-saving training. The CERT & Basic First Aid Principles program was presented to the students by the EMS – PIER (Public Information Education & Relations) division.


"We are proud to partner with eDeaf and EMS to provide this critical training to Deaf learners," said Karin Koen, Marketing Manager of Instacom. "We believe that this initiative will help to ensure that Deaf persons are not left behind in emergency situations and that they are equipped with the skills and confidence they need to navigate these situations."


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