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Solutions for Cleaning Industry

Whether your company offers commercial cleaning, office cleaning, shops or washroom servicing, we provide easy and efficient ways to monitor your staff’s attendance and workflow to ensure efficiency and save you money.

Instacom offers easy-to-use technology on a single device that can be applied for instant on-site communication, data collection, capturing proof of attendance and filing the full history of every transaction.

Download Summary

Increase Workplace Efficiency Instacom

Increase Efficiency

Proof On Delivery Or Service From Data Instacom

Proof of Services Rendered

24 7 Customer Care And Support Instacom

24/7 Customer Care

Secure Reliable User Friendly Instacom

Secure & User-Friendly

Reporting On Data Instacom

Reporting of Delivery

Increased Customer Satisfaction Instacom

Increase Customer Satisfaction

Industry ChallengesOur SolutionProduct
How do I prove to my client the work was done?Automated reports with information captured with text, photo, time and date stamp, etc

Labor intensive paperworkLive paperless real-time solution

Know where my staff isLive tracking and history reporting
My staff needs to carry multiple devicesAll services on one deviceIntegration to Multiple platforms
Controlling my Health and safety riskDigital driven workflow

Lengthy reports to do at the end of the dayAutomated as they happen

Instacom solution

How do I know when my staff needs assistance?SOS button for emergency situations
Knowing who did what and whenAutomated accountability with in the solutionInstacom services
Communicate to all my staff at onceUnlimited 2-way communication allows group and one-on-one communication
To increase my customer serviceWith a pro-active system, you can report on jobs done as they happen
Logbook and fuel managementCapturing each trip and calculating average fuel consumption
Know when staff start and end shiftsClocking in and out daily with time and date stamps
Incident managementElectronic incident reporting with live progress tracking

Instacom products in use in your industry:

Instant Communication At All Times Ptt Mcc Instacom


Instant Communication
at all times

Instant Messages Instacom

Instant Messages

Instant Text Communication

Live Gps Tracking To Locate Staff Instacom

Ins PTT Locate & Alert

Live GPS tracking & assist staff in an Emergency

Tailored Software Process Flow Workflow Instacom


Tailored software
process flow

Real Time Guard Patrol Monitoring Instacom Lite

Guard Patrol Lite

Basic Real-Time


Real Time Guard Patrol Monitoring Instacom Pro

Guard Patrol Pro


Real-Time Monitoring

Access Control Vehicles People In And Out


Control Vehicles /
People in and out

Paperless Capture Of Information And Report Incidents Instacom


Paperless capture of
information and report

Checklist Multiple Paperless Inspection Sheets Instacom


Multiple paperless
inspection sheets

Tag Staff In Or Out Clocking Instacom


Tag staff
in and out

Remote Device Management Instacom

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Remote device

24h Customer Care Support Instacom


Customer Care

Monitor And Communicate Pc Control Instacom

PC Control

Monitor your

staffs efficiency

Communicate Mc Dispatch Instacom

Ins Dispatcher

Communicate with

your staff seamlessly

Cash In Transit Access Control Instacom

CIT Access

Cash-In-Transit ,Vechile and People Access control

Visitor Check In And Check Out Instacom

Visitor management

Visitor Check In & Check Out


Get in Touch

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