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Automate work processes paperless

Workflow offers you the ability to tailor your software process flow. The automation in operations by capturing data and or information by free text, photo, voice, sign on screen, dropdown, yes/no questions, etc. on-line to drive instant action. The platform will increase efficiency and productivity, reduce expenses and increase profitability. The system provides you with an instant web-based view of your mobile staff.


Download Summary

Workflow Efficiency Solutions Instacom In South Africa
Workflow Solutions Instacom

Digitized Tailored Workflow

Paperless Accurate Solutions Instacom

Eliminate Paper Use

Increase Workplace Efficiency Instacom

Increase Efficiency

Reporting On Data Instacom

Automated Reports

Live Digital System Instacom

Live View on Dashboard

3rd Party Intergration Instacom

3rd Party Integratable

Workflow offers:

  • Capturing data with
    • Free text
    • Photo
    • Dropdown function
    • Barcode scan
    • And many more
  • Instant reporting
  • Location displayed on map
  • Instant live system
  • Create your own system and flow
  • May use NFC technology to tripper questions
Instacom Works On Multiple Devices

Workflow FAQ


How long will my records be kept?

You will have access to your records for 5 years

Can I create my own workflow of data capturing, specifically to my needs?

Yes, creating your tailored solution and align it with your business is the objective.

Can you integrate the service with other platforms?

Yes. Software compatibility would need to be aligned.

How long does it take for the data to be sent to my PC control?

It’s instantly available, with variability depending on the quality of connection.

Will everybody have access to my Incident information?

You will specify the personnel allowed and at what level.

Will I have data costs when using the service?

This will vary depending on how you will be connected and how much data will be consumed with your required workflow.

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