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STS Mobile

Crime Prevention Technology - Prevent Unwanted Visitors

STS Mobile

This crime prevention initiative is to unite all emergency services role players into Namibia’s “911
Emergency System”. Working with Hawks, Crime Intelligence and SAPS commanders, 100’s of arrests
have been made.


Download Summary

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Reduce Risk

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900+ Control Rooms Working Together

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Ensure Peace of Mind

STS Mobile works with the following solutions:



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Control Vehicles /
People in and out

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CIT Acces

Advanced Security


STS Mobile Features:

  • Empower your security provider through operational power.
  • Link First Responders
  • Make use of the SNIPR Dashboard (Web interface) and Mobile Patrol (Mobile App) in order to manage and view the data coming into your precinct.
  • Report in real time.

STS Mobile FAQ


Is this linked to the SAPS database?

Yes, it is linked to the CAS (Crime Administration system) database, where all crimes are reported and assigned a case number such as stolen vehicles,Hijackings,murders etc

Is each positive read validated?

Yes, each positive read is verified by a 24/7 control environment to ensure it is an actual positive read and to ensure the correct persons are contacted.

Are all vehicle scans and validations in real-time?

Yes, as soon as the vehicle is scanned with an Instacom Access device, the information is checked against all the relevant databases, and an alert is generated on the SNIPR Dashboard.

Can the Instacom device user see if it was a positive read of a wanted vehicle)

No, this is to ensure the safety of the user. As soon as a vehicle is positively identified as a wanted vehicle, all the required persons and authorities are contacted.

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