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Ins PTT Locate & Alert

Live Tracking of Mobile Staff

Well-suited to most sectors including Transportation, Security, Construction, First Responders and Mining


Locate allows any user in any location across the country to activate the Locate function instantly. It ensures that command centers or managers are always aware of employees’ exact whereabouts.
Instacom’s world-class technology ensures that your mobile staff are monitored and administered in a highly effective and accurate way.

Locate, in addition to Push to Talk and IM (Instant Message) will assist companies in making more informed decisions. Considering delivery or collection of products, services, emergency breakdowns or any logistical issues, the Locate service performs perfectly for retrieval and reporting purposes.

Every second counts in an emergency.

Panic is a dedicated service that equips all mobile staff with a way to initiate an instant emergency notification to the Command Centre, supervisors/managers, dedicated group of standby users or current talk group anywhere, anytime. This feature is complimentary with our Locate service.
It serves to improve the safety of your personnel or team. With a push of a button, the location of that device will be displayed (on the Dispatcher console in your Control) and emergency notifications will automatically be sent to any predetermined recipients. With the Control Centre being immediately notified of the emergency situation, the correct procedures can be followed and monitored.
In addition, during emergency events, an ambient listening feature is enabled automatically, allowing the user to communicate with the Control Centre without the need to press the PTT (Push To Talk) button and the ability to record the communication. (When an PTT license is activated)


Download Summary

Emergency Panic Solution Instacom
Business Overview Instacom

Instant overview in Emergencies

Accurate Information Access Instacom

Event Management

Faster Response Instacom

Fast Response

Live Auditable System Instacom

Auditable Tracking

Live Digital System Instacom

Live Monitoring

Real Time Solutions Instacom

Realtime Anytime

Locate Features:

  • Global Coverage
  • Interactive map
  • Geo locations
  • Real-time, instantaneous notification system with Panic service
  • Combines Locate service to include location of user in duress
  • History of movement available
  • Automatic recording of all voice traffic during emergency state (when PTT is active)
Instacom Works On Multiple Devices

Alert Features:

  • Real-time, instantaneous notification system
  • Combines with Locate service to include location of user in duress
  • Discreet feedback to end user with alert handling progress
  • Multiple SOS receivers per organisation
  • Panic press history report
  • Automatic recording of all voice traffic during emergency state (when PTT is active)

Locate & Alert FAQ


Can I see where my staff moves around in real-time?


Can I generate a history report on one of my devices?

Yes you can, but take note that the history is kept for a limited time.

Should the GPS function be switched on for the tracking to work?


Will I have a location linked to my emergency for people to find me fast?

Yes, the location is displayed on a map within your management centre.

Will the panic activate assistance immediately when pushed?

Yes, the purpose of a panic is to alert your management centre immediately. Network connectivity is crucial in this process. The Instacom team is extremely focused on any possible point of failure and always act proactively to ensure backup systems to be in place to prevent any disruption with any of our services.

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