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Push to Talk (PTT)

Mission Critical Communication

The best PTT platform in the world!

(this service includes complimentary instant messaging)

Push to Talk is a National/International two-way radio service for businesses that prefer the stability of mobile phones instead of traditional two-way radio systems.


Push to Talk utilizes national cell phone networks for communication. Like two-way radios, broadcasts can be made to everyone on the network, but with Push to Talk, users can now communicate one-on-one, one to many or in a Broadcast Groups.


Push-to-Talk allows instant voice communication to all mobile users on the network. This function allows staff to focus on the job at hand while being supported by highly stable, reliable and endless communication.


Instacom’s Push-to-Talk is a carrier-grade platform based on high availability and geo-redundant architecture with low latency and high voice quality which can be incorporated into almost any modern-day mobile smartphone. It, therefore, reduces the need for additional mobile radios should users already have a compatible handset. Instacom’s devices can also be utilised as regular mobile phones.


Download Summary

Push To Talk Mission Critical Communication To Replace 2 Way Radio Instacom
Unlimited National Coverage Ptt Instacom

Unlimited National Coverage

Staff Accountability Instacom

Guaranteed Accountability

24 7 Customer Care And Support Instacom

24/7 Customer Care

Reduce Costs And Save Money Instacom

Reduce Costs and Save Money

Secure Reliable User Friendly Instacom

Secure and User-Friendly

Increase Workplace Efficiency Instacom

Increase Efficiency

Push to Talk Features:

  • <0.5 sec call setup
  • <1 sec for large group call
  • Advanced call encryption
  • Multi-Channel Capacity
  • 1% per hour battery usage
  • 7Kbits per PTT push
  • Instant communication over Wi-Fi, Lan, GPRS, 2G, 3G, LTE
  • Unlimited Scalability
  • Multiple user privilege levels
  • Broadcast to all group members
  • Talk privately on a one to one basis
  • Secure communication
  • Unlimited coverage
  • Voice recording
Instacom Works On Multiple Devices Ptt

Push to Talk FAQ


What is Push To Talk?

Push To Talk (PTT) is a two way radio like service for businesses that uses GSM mobile phones instead of traditional 2-way radios or Two way radio users, looking for more stable and effective communication. Like a 2-way radio you can broadcast to everyone, but you can also talk privately on a one-to-one basis or to a small group of users. You can also use it as a regular mobile phone which avoids the need to carry a phone and a radio. Biggest advantages are virtually unlimited coverage, ease of use and no maintenance cost.

How does Push To Talk (PTT) work?

The Push To Talk (PTT) service uses the GSM mobile phone network rather than radio base stations. When a Push To Talk (PTT) call is made, instead of making a phone call, the voice message is transmitted over the phone's data channel direct to Instacoms Push To Talk (PTT) servers. The Instacom servers then forward the speech to the intended user or users, which results in the message being played out of the phone's loudspeaker. All of this happens without the need to answer the call which makes the communication much more immediate than a mobile phone call. Because the Instacom infrastructure is integrated into the SA's major mobile phone networks, it is possible to make and receive Push To Talk (PTT) calls Nationally.

How will Instacom's Solution save my business money?

Push to Talk can save your business money on communication costs and by driving business efficiencies. A Push to Talk solution can work out cheaper than alternative technology, such as 2-way radio, Trunking and portal phone (DECT) systems, as there is no need to pay the expensive licence, set up and hardware costs, it also utilizes existing mobile handsets and mobile tariffs and benefits from global coverage. Push to Talk can play a key part in workforce management and hence drive greater efficiencies to allow staffing and operational costs to be reduced.

How will Instacom's Solution benefit my business?

Our solution allows teams to communicate effectively and gives your management centre greater control, helping lone or remote workers to work more efficiently, increasing productivity. Push to Talk technology combines instant one-to-one or one-to-many communications with global coverage. Using Push To Talk and Locate also helps protect your lone workers as part of compliance with HSE and Corporate Manslaughter regulations.

What is the benefit over my current radio system?

The major benefit is service coverage. As Push To Talk (PTT) uses the global GSM mobile networks, the range of the service is restricted only by the coverage of the mobile phone networks, a range of approximately 90% (estimate)of the Namibia. PTT can also perform better than mobile phones during periods of heavy network congestion, for example during a large event or emergency situation. Unlike phone calls which are blocked when all the available voice channels in a cell are in use, Push To Talk (PTT) uses the data channel which slows down under congestion but is much more likely to remain available.

Which mobile networks does Push to Talk work with?

Instacom's Push to Talk is currently available on all Major Networks in Namibia.

Do I need a separate Push to Talk handset?

No, although Instacom offers exceptional Rugged handsets, our Push to Talk service can also be loaded to most Smartphones, including but not limited to Android. iPhone, Windows, etc.

How many user groups can I create?

It depends on which device you are using, but the Instacom system can support multiple groups and is scalable. 10 groups are expected to be sufficient for most users and their applications.

What is the maximum number of users in each group?

You are able to set up a maximum of 750 users per group as standard and scalable with Instacom Push to Talk. The small Push to Talk companies usually only have a 100 user group capacity.

Is there a minimum term contract?

The minimum contract term is 24 months, but may change from time to time.

Our organisation has a mobile contract. Can we still get Instacom Push to Talk?

Yes, it can usually be added to your existing contract. If your Network provider does not support the service, you are able to subscribe directly with Instacom. We will assist you to upload the service as a value add to your current contract. This means you pay Instacom for the Instacom services and you still pay your network provider for your current contract with them.

What do I need to start using Push to Talk?

A compatible phone, a Simcard, and the Instacom Push to Talk Service.

What happens when I receive a Push to Talk call while on a regular voice call?

During a phone call your Push to Talk state is automatically set to "Do Not Disturb" so that you will not be interrupted. At the end of the phone call, your Push to Talk state reverts back to its original setting. 

How much data does Push to Talk use?

Push to Talk uses on average about 15kb per push.

Will Instacom's Push to Talk work nationwide?

Yes, you just need to make sure you have a signal which includes a data throughput. Please refer to your Networks coverage map for data service indications or use wi-fi.

Can I use Instacom's Push to Talk overseas?

Yes, provided that your phone has a mobile signal and has data available, simply swap sims to the country you are visiting or alternatively activate Roaming. (Roaming is not advised as the first choice, due to high costs)

How much will it cost to use Instacom's Push to Talk overseas?

Your subscription with Instacom will stay the same, but your charges will depend on the sim and bundle you choose. Using roaming data abroad is usually expensive and we recommend you consult your Network. 


Traditional Radios vs Instacom Mission Critical Communication


Feature2-Way & Trunked RadioInstacom MCC PTT
Cost of OwnershipExtremely HighLow
Central DispatchLimited by InfrastructureUnlimited
Future proof
One-to-Many Communication
FlexibilityTechnology LimitedHigh Flexibility
ScalabilityLimited, slow, extremely high costSimple, Fast, Unlimited
CoverageLimited – Private network2G/3G/4G/Wi-Fi
DevicesLimited choice and capability & ExpensiveLarge variety for any price
Battery UsageVery HighVery Low
EncryptedTEA 1/2/3/4 128 Bit or RC4 128 BitAES 256 Bit


Single Channel onlyDynamic


Very LimitedWide Range, Incl. API

Multimedia messages

Text or NoneText, Picture, Video Files
Signed In User ListLimited
Status UpdatesNone or limited
WIFI Compatible
Multiple Operating GSM Systems
95% Plus Coverage across Namibia
National / International Coverage
Low / No Maintenance
Coverage increase by 100’s of towers Annually

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