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Ins Panic

Always stay up to date

Panic is a dedicated service that equips all mobile staff with a way to initiate an instant notification to the Command Centre, supervisors & managers. 


It exists to always keep you up to date with what's happening in the field. With a push of a button, the location of that device will be displayed and notifications will automatically be sent to any predetermined recipients, with the Control Centre being immediately notified. You can set different levels of notifications ranging from "Low Priority" all the way to "Critical Priority", with four different levels.


This ensures that you always stay up to date with what's going on in the field, from vehicle maintenance notificaions, to critical SOS notifications. 

Download Summary

Emergency Panic Solution Instacom
Highly Reliable Instacom

Highly Reliable

Increased Staff Satisfaction Instacom

Increases peace of mind for staff in field

Live Auditable System Instacom

Panic alert history

Faster Response Instacom

Enables a Faster response

Panic Features:

  • Real-time, instantaneous notification system
  • Discreet feedback to end user with alert handling progress
  • Multiple SOS receivers per organisation
  • Panic press history report
  • GPS pin of notification location
Instacom Works On Multiple Devices

Panic FAQ


Will the panic activate assistance immediately when pushed?

Yes, the purpose of a panic is to alert your management centre immediately. Network connectivity is crucial in this process. The Instacom team is extremely focused on any possible point of failure and always act proactively to ensure backup systems to be in place to prevent any disruption with any of our services.

Will I have a location linked to my emergency for people to find me fast?

Yes, the location is displayed on a map within your management centre.

Get in Touch

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